Package Structure
Modernize Sveltekit
- Get all the documentation here
- The Modernize Sveltekit Admin Tamplate Project's Root Directory
.svelte-kit - This is Default Sveltekit Folder
src - This src folder contains the source code for your app and the content and structure
lib - This is a traditional directory for reusable components, stores, utilities, and other shared code.
assets - All assets are here
css - All css files are here
fonts - All fonts files are here
images - All images files are here
js - All scss js are here
scss - All scss files are here
Components - All Components are here
routes - Defines the application's routes.
app.html - Main HTML template.
static - This is static directory and all assets will be served from here. All Generated assets,logo,icons etc. are here
package-lock.json - the exact versions of dependencies to ensure consistent installations and build environments.
package.json - All Node dependencies and npm script defined here.
svelte.config.js - The svelte.config.js file is the configuration file for sveltekit projects.
vite.config.js - This is main file to run build and copy and generate compile assets in dist.