After any changes it's necessary to generate changed assets, For that you need to execute build, navigate to the Admin folder containing the package.json file. Open a command prompt in that directory and execute the command "build" as demonstrated below.
npm run build


1. Tabler Icons
    // ----------------------------------------------------
    // File: Admin/assets/scss/style.scss
    // ----------------------------------------------------  
    @import "icons/tabler-icons/tabler-icons.css";
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    <div class="list-group-horizontal">
      <i class="ti ti-mood-happy text-dark fs-6"></i>
      <i class="ti ti-mood-happy text-dark fs-7"></i>
      <i class="ti ti-mood-happy text-dark fs-8"></i>
      <i class="ti ti-mood-happy text-dark fs-9"></i>
      <i class="ti ti-mood-happy text-dark fs-10"></i>