Quick Start

1. Requirements

System Requirements:
  • Make sure to have the Xampp OR Wamp installed & running in your computer.
  • If you already have installed Xampp / Wamp server on your computer, you can skip this step. Note: Minimum PHP 8.2 or higher version.
  • Make sure to have the Composer installed & running in your computer. If you already have installed composer on your computer, you can skip this step.
Node Js
  • Make sure to have the NodeJs installed & running in your computer. Use the node version 20.*. If you already have installed composer on your computer, you can skip this step.

2. Install

To initiate the process, access the Admin folder and proceed to install its dependencies using terminal. We recommend utilizing either npm for this task.

This would install all the required packages in the vendor folder.
composer install
Run the below commands to install dependencies and compile the assets:
npm install
npm run dev  // this is for development
npm run build  // this is to generate the build of assets for production.

3. Start

Clear the cache and generate the new key.
php artisan optimize
php artisan key:generate
To Run the project locally please run below commands on terminal separately. The development server is accessible at http://localhost:8000/:
npm run dev
php artisan serve
If you wish to run the project locally on Different Port. The development server is accessible at http://localhost:8001/:
php artisan serve --port=8080