Quick Start

1. Requirements

Node.js environment:
  • Prior to advancement, it is imperative that you possess the most recent stable version of node.js
  • node js 18+
  • npm js 8+
Python 3.x:
  • Install Python on your machine. You can download it from Microsoft Store. python.org
Pip - Lastest Version Recomended
  • Check pip version by running the following command in your terminal:
  • py -m pip --version
  • If the version is less than 20.0.2 or not installed, run the following command to upgrade pip:
  • py -m pip install --upgrade pip

2. Install

To initiate the process, access the Admin folder and proceed to install its dependencies. We recommend utilizing either npm for this task.

1) Create Virtualenv by running following command:
py -m venv virtualenv_name  
2) Activate Virtualenv by running following command:

Note: After Virtualenv activation you will notice terminal path will start wiht o(virtualenv_name)

3) Navigate to Admin and run the following command to install nodejs dependencies and build assets:
npm install
npm run build
4) Install all python dependencies by running following command in the terminal:
pip install -r requirements.txt 
5) Now, run the Migrations, please ensure that newly created Virtualenv is activated in current terminal:
py manage.py makemigrations
py manage.py migrate

3. Start

Run the project locally, The development server is accessible at
py manage.py runserver