@extends('layouts.master') @section('title', 'Modernize Bootstrap Admin') @section('pageContent') @include('layouts.breadcrumb', ['title' => 'Buttons', 'subtitle' => 'Home'])

General Buttons

Use a classes btn btn-success to quickly create a General btn.

Light Buttons

Use btn-light class for light buttons

Button with outline

Use a classes btn btn-outline-success to quickly create a General btn.

Button Tags

The .btn classes are designed to be used with the .<button> element.


Rounded Buttons

Use a classes btn btn-rounded btn-success to quickly create a General btn.

Rounded light Buttons

Use a classes btn btn-rounded bg-success-subtle to quickly create a General btn.

Rounded outlined Buttons

Use a classes btn btn-rounded btn-outline-success to quickly create a General btn.

Button Sizes

Use a classes btn btn-lg btn-success to quickly create a General btn.

Button Sizes with rounded

Use a classes btn btn-lg btn-rounded btn-success to create a btn.

Block buttons

Use a classes for d-grid gap-2creating a block button.

Rounded Block buttons

Use a classe rounded-pill.

Light Block buttons

Use a classes d-grid gap-2 to quickly create a block button.

Rounded Block buttons

Use a classes btn btn-block btn-success to quickly create a General btn.

Block outline buttons

Use a classes btn btn-outline-success to quickly create a General btn.

Rounded outline Block buttons

Use a classes rounded-pill to quickly create a General btn.

Large Block buttons

Use a classes btn btn-lg btn-success to quickly create a General btn.

Button with icon

Rounded Button with icon

Outline Button with icon

Rounded Outline Button with icon

Light Button with icon

Rounded Light Button with icon

Small Circle Buttons

Small Light Circle Buttons

Circle Buttons

Light Circle Buttons

Circle Large buttons

Light Circle Large Buttons

Circle Extra Large buttons

Light Circle Extra Large Buttons

Group buttons

Wrap a series of buttons with .btn in .btn-group

Group buttons sizing

Wrap a series of buttons with .btn in .btn-group-lg , *-sm

Button toolbar pagination

Wrap a series of buttons with .btn in .btn-group

Button Toolbar with Input Group

Toolbar with Jutify Content Input Group

Button with js elements

Button with Checkbox

Button with Radio

Nesting buttons with small size

Nesting buttons with regular size

Nesting buttons with large size

Nesting Buttons with vertical align

create vertical button with class of .btn-group-vertical

@endsection @section('scripts') @endsection