@extends('layouts.master') @section('title', 'Modernize Bootstrap Admin') @section('css') @endsection @section('pageContent') @include('layouts.breadcrumb', ['title' => 'Rating', 'subtitle' => 'Home'])
This is the most basic example of ratings.
Used when we want starts with a saved rating.
Changes the number of stars.
Change the maximum of stars that can be created.
You can prevent users to vote. It can be applied with or without score.
If readOnly is enabled and there is no score, the hint "Not rated yet!" will be shown for all stars.
Add a cancel button on the left side of the stars to cancel the score.
You can change the space between the star and make them conjusted.
You can turn on just the mouseovered star instead all from the first until that one.
Enables the half star mouseover to be possible vote with half values.
Changes the color of the half star.
Change the maximum of stars that can be created.
Change the maximum of stars that can be created.